Look Both Ways Before Crossing Lincoln Street

By Emma Pierce Contributing Writer    On a windy day in early March, walking to class at the FRC seems worse than the class itself. The cold wind hitting my face is so strong that my eyes are forced half-closed so they don’t dry. As I pass FAB Hall on Lincoln Street,...

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Salmon in the Sandy

By Nolan Pakulski Contributing Writer    On the cold clear morning of March 6, 2019, Nancy Prentiss and her Bio 110 class helped the Maine Department of Marine Resources deposit the eggs of Atlantic Salmon into a tributary of the Sandy River.     Prentiss and her...

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From Class of 2021 to 2020

By Kara Doane Contributing Writer     Sophomore students Lindsey White and Julianne Petrie recently found out that they will be walking with the class of 2020.    White and Petrie entered UMF in the fall of 2017 and expected to graduate in the spring of 2021. Carol...

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Dam Good Eats Presents: Calzolaio

Dam Good Eats Presents: Calzolaio

By Jeremy Austin and Eryn Finnegan Staff Reporter and President         The Flyer’s dam good food recently visited Calzolaio Pasta Company, a higher-end restaurant located in a tall, dark red building lined with fairy lights and surrounded by a river cutting the road...

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A Look Into Mainely Outdoors

A Look Into Mainely Outdoors

By Robert Drinkwater Contributing Writer       Mainely Outdoors offers a large variety of trips and activities throughout the year, as well as rental gear that can start any adventure: “we like to break down barriers, and we try to give them [students] the best...

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Dam Good Eats Presents: Adventures to The Big Stop

By Jeremy Austin & Eryn Finnegan Staff Reporter & President After a long trip, these voracious writers, stomachs fiending for a scrap of food, searched for a quick, cheap alternative to the fast food, which they spent too much money on already. They stopped at...

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Vagina Monologues Brings Women Empowerment to the Stage

By Allison Jarvis Contributing Writer     The Vagina Monologues are back and the cast has worked hard to deliver this year’s performance with strength, power and hope for their fellow classmates.    This performance includes a series of monologues about sexual events...

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