By Kiara Morrissette – Contributing Writer
As the semester winds down, students all around UMF begin to prepare for their final exams. With over 2,000 students come several different ways to study for finals.
Knowing the importance of these exams can cause a lot of students to become stressed or have major anxiety. It can be a balancing act between finding the time to study for exams and our busy schedules as college students. For some, it’s quite challenging, while others have been able to find methods that help them relax and focus on their studies.
Elina Shapiro, a senior Psychology major, studies by going over PowerPoints and by rereading chapters in the textbook. “Sometimes I make my own study guide or I answer the questions on the study guide that the professor has given out,” said Shapiro. “I go over the information until it sticks.” She reviews any key pieces of information before finals, but she also studies throughout the semester, in order to reduce stress.
Every student seems to have their own preferred study environment. Most students like to find quiet areas, away from any noise or distractions, so that it’s easier for them to focus. Kelsey Dunn, a senior Early Childhood Education major, said, “I have heard that students study inside their cars. I don’t really recommend studying in your room because there is this thing called Netflix and a comfy bed.”
As much as every student loves to be prepared for their final exams, there are some things that can affect your level of focus. Krystal Livermore, a senior Elementary Education major, explained that she believes “it is important to isolate yourself in order to study because then you can focus better.”
Livermore reviews notes, quizzes, and tests for finals. She also mentions that there are things that you can’t study for because sometimes professors don’t clearly explain what will be on their finals.
While studying for a final exam can be stressful, there are some things that you can do to reduce the level of stress or anxiety you may have. Shapiro has a few tips that may be able to help somebody get through finals and reduce their stress levels. “My best tips to survive finals are eat well, sleep well (if possible), do something fun (go out to eat, watch something fun, workout, etc.) along with your studying,” said Shapiro. “Mix in stress relieving activities!”
It’s easy for students to get distracted or procrastinate when they are studying for an exam, especially in today’s world where cell phones and social media are a big part of our everyday lives. “Turn your phone off or silence it and put it away,” Dunn said. “Out of sight, out of mind.”
Dunn also has some words of encouragement for students who may have trouble focusing and are worried about passing their finals. “Have confidence that you can pass,” she said. “Believe in yourself and believe that you will get a good grade.”