Oct 25, 2018 | Feature |

Kaleigh Warner at the Aladdin show last year.
(Photo Provided by Kaleigh Warner)
By Journey Bubar Contributing Writer
Every year, the Student Life Office and Weekend Adventures and Excursions club (WAE) plans a trip to New York City, which includes a choice between two Broadway shows (this year the shows are “Kinky Boots” and “Anastasia”) and time to walk around NYC.
Warner has worked for WAE for three semesters, and says that the New York trip is one of the biggest and most talked about on campus. “New York is the most popular of the eight events we host every year,” said Kaleigh Warner, a senior. “For only $55, students will get transportation to and from NYC and entry to one Broadway show.”
Student Life and WAE plan about four trips each semester. “There is a lot of work that goes into planning all of our trips, but New York is double because we take 100 students rather than 50,” said Warner. “I do most of the advertising and connecting with students to get some more excitement for the trips.”
“We have about 50 tickets per show. 150-200 students show up to get tickets each year and will camp out hours before the event to secure their spots,” said Warner. “Throughout the semester we have students calling, emailing, or coming into our office to ask questions. Then, on the day of ticket sales, the line winds throughout the student center and we sell out in 10 minutes!”
Warner said that in the past, they have had to waitlist people in case someone pulls out last minute because so many people are interested in the event. “Every year we like to switch up what shows we offer! In the past, we’ve seen “Wicked”, “Phantom of the Opera”, “The Lion King” and “Aladdin”,” said Warner. “Sometimes we bring back tickets for really popular Broadway shows. We like to offer shows that we know will be popular with various students.”
The bus leaves UMF around 12:00 a.m. Saturday morning and gets back around 4:00 a.m. Sunday morning. “We allow plenty of time for students to wander the big city on their own,” said Warner. “Some students choose to sightsee, eat a slice of [New York] pizza, visit the various museums or art displays, walk around Central Park, or go shopping.”
The New York trip and many other trips sponsored by Student Life are great opportunities for students to travel and have new experiences at a decent price. “This trip is so affordable for students because it’s also partially paid for by Student Life,” said Warner. “$55 would typically only pay for transportation to New York, which is why it’s so important that students are taking the opportunity for trips we sponsor.”
Warner concluded by saying that Student Life enjoys getting input and suggestions from students on new or different trips and activities that they would like to see offered. “These trips are for you!” said Warner. “Our trips are affordable and range between $10 and $55 for a day full of fun with new or old friends.”
Tickets for the New York trip are being sold on Wednesday, October 24th. Doors open at 7 p.m. but be aware students line up hours in advance.
Oct 25, 2018 | Opinion |

Sophomore Alexis Pickens is one of many students who have encountered catcalling on campus (Photo Tania Bureau)
Tania Contributing Writer
Many students at UMF have experienced catcalling on campus, feel that it is disrespectful, and wish it would stop.
Audrey Spear, a sophomore, was walking back from class when a silver car drove by and a guy called out the window and made a comment about her legs. “This made me feel objectictified and disgusting,” said Spear.
Alexis Pickens, a sophomore, hates how she feels after getting catcalled. “It does not make me feel good and it does not make me feel beautiful, it makes me feel very gross,” said Pickens. “When it comes down to it, it is inappropriate and disgusting.”
Claudia Intama says she gets catcalled when she walks on campus. “I live off campus and I walk everyday and sometimes it is really bad bad,” said Intama. “Sometimes people will slow down, roll down their windows, and yell things at me that are very inappropriate, and laugh, ‘ha ha ha’ and roll up their window and keep going.”
Pickens made it clear that women find catcalling very offensive. “It’s not a cool thing to do. I don’t know if it’s because you’re showing off to your friends, or have nothing better to do,” said Pickens. “Either way it is not acceptable, at all. It does not make women feel good about themselves. It certainly doesn’t make them want to date you.”
Intama doesn’t understand the energy it takes to catcall someone when they could just keep driving. “It’s much more than a funny game,” said Intama.“I don’t like it.”
CVPC, which stands for “Campus Violence Prevention Coalition,” an organization on campus that works to prevent sexual violence. There is a lot of facility support, but it is student driven, and is run through student life.
The group “tables” once a month in the student center and organizes activities. “CVPC creates an awareness that there are problems and there are things that we need to talk about even if they make us uncomfortable,” said Intama, who is also works for CVPC. “So really it’s just trying to bring awareness to different issues, that affect us here at UMF, and also affect us as a larger society.”
Intama believes that a way to stop catcalling is education. “Education to get at people that this is wrong and I don’t think that society is at that point yet, and that’s why we are here at CVPC to help educate,” said Intama. “I think awareness is really important.”
On October 26th, CVPC will be tabling for “Purple Day” where students wear purple for domestic violence awareness and prevention. CVPC has a Facebook page where students can leave messages and see future events. https://www.facebook.com/CVPCatUMF/
Oct 25, 2018 | News |

The Annual Halloween Dance allows students to take a break and hang out with friends. (Photo courtesy of ACE Facebook Page)
Sara Pinette Contributing Writer
Another year of Halloween activities, including the annual Halloween dance and Trick-or-Treating Through the Halls, makes its way to the UMF campus and community.
The Association of Campus Entertainment’s (ACE) annual Halloween dance is to be held on Friday, October 26 in the South Dining Hall from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. The event is free to all with their UMF student I.D. For those without I.D., as well as guests, the cover charge is five dollars.
“The best part was the DJ and that it’s free for all students with an I.D,” said Gabriella Winslow, a senior and Elementary Education major, who went to the dance last year.
Money that is raised from this event will cover the cost of ACE’s annual trip to NACA, an event that gives the club ideas of which entertainers to bring to UMF for events. Music will be provided by the E.R. Tour, an entertainment company that does several events at campus colleges.
“We’re giving out glow sticks, doing glow in the dark face painting, and handing out temporary ACE tattoos and candy,” said Hopkins with pure enthusiasm.
ACE will be holding a costume contest for best male, female, couple, and group of three or more at the dance. Anyone who is interested in winning prizes, such as a tablet or a camera, will have to be present at the dance from 10 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. The winners will be announced at midnight. Typically around 400 students and their guests attend this dance but Hopkins expects the excitement of the costume contest to draw in more people.
“I’ve been to all of the Halloween dances since I’ve been here and I’ve always had a great time,” said Hopkins. “You get to hang out with your friends and just let loose for a night.”
After this event concludes, UMF transitions from a college Halloween celebration to a more family-friendly environment as it gears up for its annual trick-or-treating experience. The campus may be shifting in its atmosphere but students can keep their costumes on for the next event.
APO, a service club at UMF, will put on Trick-or-Treat Through the Halls for the community of UMF and Farmington on Sunday, October 28th from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
“Trick-or-Treat Through the Halls is an event where community members come with their children and they get to do a safe form of trick or treating,” said APO club president Emily Hartford, a senior and Elementary Education major. “The club will take small groups into the resident halls and UMF students can participate by handing out candy and decorating their hall and doors.”
This extravaganza has been an event for more than eight years and has consistently excited people from UMF and the surrounding community, according to Hartford. Hartford has been an active member of the APO club for over 3 years.
According to Hartford, Trick-or-Treat Through the Halls has always been a great opportunity to connect UMF to the town of Farmington, while also getting college students and little ones excited for the holiday.
“The Trick-or-Treating Through the Halls was fun because you get to see all the kids dressed up in cool costumes,” said Eliza Halbig, who was involved in the event last year.
“In past years, roughly 200 people from the community show up to this event,” said Hartford. “However, the event is still dependent on student participation because the more campus residents are involved, the better the experience is for the children.”
Oct 25, 2018 | News |
By Emilee Eustis Staff Reporter
The UMF Health Club is gearing up for one of their most popular events of the year, “Trick-or-Canning,” but their low member count is throwing a twist in their plans.
On Halloween night, the Health Club will split into two groups and walk through different neighborhoods in Farmington, collecting canned goods or non-perishable items to bring to local food pantries. This is not their first year doing the event, but the circumstances this time around have changed.
The planning for Trick-or-Canning has not been as extensive as it has in the past. “We are kind of just winging it,” said Alison Laplante, secretary of the Health club. “We have about five members who have come to the meetings.” It is still early in the semester and the group is hoping to spread the word about Health Club, and Trick-or-Canning, to get more interest.
This event is an important one to the members of the club and the local community, as it is something that they have done for many years and want to continue to do for years to come. “I love taking a holiday that has so many mixed feelings behind it and turning it into something positive,” said Health Club President, Caroline Donnell, in an email interview. Although it is her first year leading the group, Donnell is passionate and excited to get this program going and growing.
The group is refusing to let their small numbers affect such a kind act and are finding different ways for this event to be successful. “Normally this is run only by health club members,” said Laplante. “But this year we are inviting one of the Community Health classes to help out.” They are also welcoming volunteer help to hopefully increase their numbers and productivity.
Everyone who participates will dress in their best Halloween attire, baskets and all, to achieve the goal for this year’s Trick-or-Canning event. “We hope to fill the trunks of all the cars that are being used with the non-perishable goods,” said Donnell. The event has become more and more popular, with members of the community prepared to donate bags of canned goods at each stop.
The Health Club is proud of their efforts in bringing together members of the community and UMF students to achieve a common goal. “I just love the community aspect of it,” said Laplante. “A lot of people get excited and happy to participate, they are so appreciative of the work that we do.”
During their weekly meetings, Health Club members discuss more important events, like Trick-or-Canning, and fundraising ideas, so they can run more programs in Farmington and better their education.
“One of our fundraising ideas is selling our reusable grocery bags on campus,” said Laplante. “The money goes towards events we put on, or towards sending some of our members to certain health related conferences.”
If students would like to join Health Club, they can attend the club’s meetings which are held on Wednesday’s during common time. If students would like to volunteer for Trick-or-Canning they can either message the Health Club’s Facebook page, or email the Clubs President, Caroline Donnell, at caroline.donnell@maine.edu.
Oct 25, 2018 | News |

Shapiro taught elementary school students English as past of her education internship (Photo courtesy of Elina Shapiro)
Nathan MckIvor Contributing Writer
“We want our students to have become global citizens when they graduate from here, and what better way to do that than to study abroad!” said Lynne Eustis, UMF’s Assistant Director of Global Education.
While Eustis travels internationally to establish relations between UMF and campuses all over the globe, she does most of her work from her office in the Fusion Center. Eustis is responsible for the mountain of paperwork that comes with international travel. When a student wants to study abroad at another university, they speak to her.
Where is the most popular location to study abroad? “There is none,” said Eustice. “Our students are all over the map.” Students can opt to spend a semester or a full academic year studying at an international university, though they make sure their preferred program complements their major during some of their many conferences with Eustis.
UMF’s direct relationships with international universities includes institutions in China, England, France, Hong Kong, and South Korea. If a student wants to study at an institution in a different nation, UMF partners with third-party providers to guarantee a wide range of opportunities for students. Either way, Eustice coordinates the student’s experience from her office.
“I loved my experience,” said senior Elina Shapiro, who spent a semester in Florence, Italy last year. Studying at the Italian branch campus of Richmond University, she immersed herself in Italian language courses, which were useful for communicating with her host family.
Shapiro’s third-party provider also offered an education internship in the region. Shapiro taught English, science, and social studies at a local middle school while “teaching students struggling with English” in an elementary school.
A memorable moment of her trip? “I got to meet relatives in Rome who I had never met before,” said Shapiro, who is Italian on her mother’s side. Shapiro advises those who want to go abroad to ”start thinking early” and to research “what each provider has to offer,” which is how she discovered her program. Also, Shapiro suggests “practicing the language if the country does not have English as a native language.”
“Oftentimes students don’t look into [studying abroad] because they think they can’t afford it. But there is an affordable program for everyone,” said Eustis. Students can apply their university grants and merit scholarships towards the cost of a study abroad program. Eustis spends time with individual students researching programs of interest them, and often, if one is too expensive, a more feasible program is almost always within reach at a different school.
Roughly 15-20 students study abroad on semester programs each year. Right now, there are two UMF students are abroad: one studying in China; the other spending their semester in France. Checking a spreadsheet, Eustis chirped that 13 more plan to go across the pond in the Spring 2019 semester.
Aside from the traditional study abroad experience, the Office of Global studies also offers a Student Teaching Abroad program for Education majors concentrating in Elementary or Secondary education. As the final component of their majors, they can teach abroad South Korea, Hong Kong, Dublin, and other regions in Ireland.
The department also offers domestic opportunities through the National Student Exchange program for students looking to study at a different university in the U.S.
Wherever a student chooses to study, they are changed by the experience: “Italy will always have a place in my heart,” said Shapiro.