You happen upon a tiny frog who grants tiny wishes. The frog informs you that you cannot wish for big things, like money, love, or power, or wishes that will benefit a population. What do you wish for?  -Freckles the Flyer Frog

Freckles the Flyer Frog

Freckles the Flyer Frog


By Faith Rouillard and Malcolm Langner:

– A restful night sleep

– A pencil that never goes missing 

– A shower that never gets cold 

– A full fridge without going grocery shopping 

– Flawless internet while on Zoom 

– A clone to attend Zoom classes 

– A phone that never dies 

– A white and sunny Christmas 

– White shoes that never get dirty 

– A coffee table that won’t slide away from your feet 

– Getting into shape without having to exercise 

– No ads on games or TV

– Never getting toothpaste on your clothes again 


By Portia Hardy:

– Jeans that fit perfectly

– An electronic charger that works on any device 

– A never-ending jug of pure maple syrup 


By Emma Pierce: 

– A bedroom that cleans itself

– Paper mâché that dries quickly

– Glasses that don’t smudge