Is standardized testing coming to an end for future educators?

By Sophia Turgeon, Contributing Writer.

The Maine Department of Education announced this summer that they are eliminating the Praxis for aspiring teachers.

The Praxis is a series of tests created to fully equip college students for a career in teaching. The Praxis tests consist of multiple tiers of testing in certain subjects. Students were required to get certain scores on each test in order to advance into their practicum semester. On June 16 Governor Janet Mills signed a bill into law that resulted in Praxis exams being eliminated as a requirement for teachers.

Paige Polley, a current junior at the University of Maine at Farmington who took Praxis I is relieved that there is no more testing.

“As a person who doesn’t test well, Praxis did create a lot of stress for me that I feel like was unnecessary because it doesn’t reflect my intelligence and my ability to teach. However, with that being said, I did take my Praxis I at a time, which was $270 and I failed two of them, so I had to retest. And right after my retesting with passing results, I found out we didn’t need to take them anymore. I was upset and annoyed but now I don’t have to worry about Praxis II and wasting more money,” Polley said.

Money is oftentimes a concern for college students who have to spend hundreds of dollars on these tests.

Emma Williams, also a junior at UMF has a different way of thinking about Praxis exams being eliminated. Williams completed Praxis I and passed on her first attempt. She also had completed two portions of the Praxis II exams before the exam requirements were removed. With these tests being removed, students are worrying that they may not be as equipped for educating as some other teachers may be.

“I like it but it also concerns me. I’m happy I don’t have that pressure anymore, but worry when thinking about the future and how it will impact me, how I teach, and what I teach. How will I be compared to others who took them,” Williams said.

Williams also has taken both of her practicums and feels as though the Praxis exams served more as a refresher for general knowledge than a key element to being a good teacher.

“I feel as though the classes I was taking in college during my practicums were more important and impactful while in the classroom rather than the Praxis exams,” Williams confessed.

Individuals that are in the teaching community have been told how important these exams are to become certified educators. Now, without these exams being mandatory, students may feel some anxieties about how they will be successful teachers without the confidence of passing.

The Associate Professor of Secondary and Middle Education here at UMF, Clarissa Thompason, believes that these tests, along with standardized tests as a whole, are not the proper way to gauge whether or not a student would eventually become a good teacher.

“[…] I don’t think they [Praxis exams] really mark how bright you are, how motivated you are, or how well you’re gonna do in college. It discriminates against English language learners, it discriminates against kids from less privileged backgrounds, it discriminates against kids from poorer schools. It becomes a gateway here and kids who might be fantastic teachers can’t get past that and spend tons of money on it. So, they measure something, but it’s really small,” Thompson said.

Currently, licenced future Maine educators are required to get fingerprinted, earn at least a bachelor’s degree in education, and be accredited by a university.

Education Majors Prepare for the Challenges and Excitement of Student Teaching

By Samuel Carignan – Contributing Writer


The end of the semester has Education majors rushing to prepare for their student teaching placements that may start as early as this coming January.

   The final and largest hurdle of the program, students have a lot to do before they can start student teaching.  Despite the challenges, Education majors are eager to take what they have learned at UMF into the classroom.

   Excitement and nervousness filled the Student Center in late November as Education majors learned their student teaching placements after months of waiting. These students now must start working on their responsibilities before the placement even starts, including setting up meetings with the mentor, preparing for interviews, and starting their large Contextual Factors Assignment.

   Although it is a lot of work, Education majors are ready for the challenge.  Senior Elementary Education major Ashley Hinkley recently learned about her placement. “I know that it is going to be hard, but I feel prepared and am ready to start teaching,” said Hinkley.

   Student teaching may seem daunting, but it is one of the highlights of the Education program.  On top of the benefit of it looking great on a resume when applying for jobs, it also makes UMF students some of the most prepared teachers when they graduate.

   Shawna Oliver, a 2017 UMF graduate, is currently teaching fourth grade at Belgrade Central School.  Her student teaching placement was in a fifth-grade classroom in the same district.  Oliver gave some advice for anyone getting ready for student teaching.  “Advocate for yourself,” said Oliver. “If you have wishes, communicate them to your supervisors.”

   For many Education majors, student teaching is a way to test what they have learned over their time at UMF.  Student teaching can only be done after all methods classes have been finished, so many are eager to take the knowledge they have learned out into the field.

   Leah Boucher, a senior Elementary Education major, was excited about her placement in a third-grade classroom.  She is one of many students who has been waiting for years for this experience.  “UMF has made me feel ready to start student teaching,” said Boucher. “I can’t wait to start this next adventure.”

   Much like a capstone, student teaching is the final test of a person’s skill in their field of study.  It is a sixteen-credit course, meaning this one class has an entire semester worth of work involved with it.  

  For any students who are uneasy about student teaching, Oliver has some experienced advice.  “As long as you are meant to be a teacher, you will love it,” said Oliver. “The praise that you have heard about the teachers that UMF prepares is true.  UMF does prepare its pre-service teachers as best they can.”