Music Enthusiast Takes On The National Anthem at 2017 Commencement Ceremony

Music Enthusiast Takes On The National Anthem at 2017 Commencement Ceremony

By Grace Leathers-Pouliot, Contributing Writer

Senior Special Education major and music minor Anna Ammarell. (Photos courtesy of Anna Ammarell)

Senior Special Education major and music minor Anna Ammarell. (Photos courtesy of Anna Ammarell)

Senior Anna Ammarell, who is graduating with a degree in special education and a minor in music will be doing her own rendition of the National Anthem at the Commencement Ceremony this year.

Anna’s love for music began at the age of 14 when she began chorus in high school. Ever since then, “it’s been a snowball effect,” said Ammarell. As music has been a huge part of Ammarell’s college career, it will be a nice way to bid farewell to college for the young aspiring teacher.

 Ammarell was ecstatic to hear that she was chosen to sing the National Anthem at graduation. She received an email asking fellow students to send in a video of their own take on the National Anthem. She heard back from them saying that she got the spot. “Singing is a huge part of my life I really enjoy, and have always loved to do it, hearing I got the part was awesome news,” said Ammarell. Although she has been singing for a while now, she is still nervous, “it’s one thing to just sing all out in your room and another to just switch over to singing to hundreds of people in a crowd,” she said.

   In Ammarell’s spare time she loves to continue her passion for music by practicing piano, ukelele, and singing. Sharon Henderson, a lifelong friend and roommate said, “When it comes to singing or practicing the piano, Anna commits to practicing music everyday.” Henderson describes Ammarell as fun to be around and said, “she can always find the light in even the darkest of places.” She is caring, loves to laugh and stands out from the rest.

When Ammarell first came to college she began taking voice lessons to learn about the science behind singing and to grow as a singer. Ammarell is now in her fourth year of voice lessons and works with Theresa Henderson who was hired through UMF because of Ammarell.

She also sang in UMF’s Clefnotes, for three years, which helped fuel her love for music in college.

Senior Anna Ammarell. (Photos courtesy of Anna Ammarell)

Senior Anna Ammarell. (Photos courtesy of Anna Ammarell)

While Ammarell is extremely dedicated to music she is also a very hard working student. As a special education major she is able to work for Kimberly Ladd in the Division of Rehabilitations Services and Special Education. “Anna has been here longer than me so she actually showed me the ropes in my first semester working in this position,” said Ladd.

Ammarell’s contributions to the UMF community have been prevalent to faculty and fellow students in the last four years. “She is the only special education major work-study and to my knowledge the only musically driven one I have ever had in 11 years of supervising at UMF,” said Ladd.

Ammarell’s biggest motivation in the last four years of college have come from her family and friends, as well as her faith. “My pursuits and passions have really given me that drive I needed,” said Ammarell. She hopes to continue her love for music throughout her career and will enjoy spreading knowledge and education to her future students.

Stepping Back in Time: Co-lab Presents 5th Annual Surrealist Salon

Stepping Back in Time: Co-lab Presents 5th Annual Surrealist Salon

By Grace Leathers-Pouliot, Contributing Writer

The 2016 Surrealist Salon in the Emery Community Arts Center.(Photo Courtesy of UMF Website)

The 2016 Surrealist Salon in the Emery Community Arts Center.(Photo Courtesy of UMF Website)

UMF students participating in the Modernisms and Manifestos co-lab have collaborated to put together the fifth annual surrealist salon, which will be open to the public in late April at the Emery Art Center.

The co-lab is composed of three courses taught respectively by professors Elizabeth Olbert, Michael Johnson, and Steven Pane, and all feature auditory, literary, and visual components.

Johnson’s class, The Splendid Drunken Twenties, comprises the literary component of the Surrealist Salon. Johnson explained, “The movement was launched in the 1920s, which was one of many artistic movements associated with modernism that emphasized experimentation, shock value, and breaking away from conventions.”

This provides opportunities for his students to become involved with learning about surrealism. The Surrealist Salon will have a guest appearance. Angel Dionne is a graduate of the University of Maine in Fort Kent and Southern New Hampshire University. She is also a PhD candidate at the University of New Brunswick Fredericton. Dionne is the founder and editor of the online surrealist journal “Peculiar Mormyrid,” which she will be reading from at the salon. Dionne will also be engaging the audience in word games to give the spectators an idea of how surrealism works.

Pearl Wilson, who is taking contemporary surrealism in Painting I, will also be contributing a few pieces in the salon. Wilson and her classmates are creating paintings that embody contemporary surrealism. Wilson said, “I love seeing the projects that everyone else is doing, everyone has such different and cool ideas, so it is going to be fun to see it come all together.” Wilson will be doing a collaborative project with a fellow classmate. They will be creating masks and costumes for those who are participating with a backdrop full of creepy creatures and beautiful goddesses.

“We thought this goes along with surrealism well because it is like turning things on their head and looking at things differently,” Wilson said.

Elizabeth Olbert, an Art Professor here at UMF, is intrigued by 20th century surrealism, “I love the feeling of surrealism, I’m really glad that students here are able to do something that surrealists would have liked.”

Olbert and Johnson are hoping to have a turnout of about 100 people or so, but the more the better. There will be hors d’oeuvres and drinks for those who are attending.