UMF Women’s Basketball Battle

UMF Women’s Basketball Battle

Jade Petrie Contributing Writer

    The UMF women’s basketball team has been off to a great start in the NAC conference with a record of 7 wins and 2 losses. 

    The team is led by senior captain Sara Lamb as well as head coach Jamie Beaudoin and assistant coaches Noah Carol and Dylan Eustis. 

    Women’s basketball recently played one of their hardest games of the season against the Thomas College Terriers. The beavers put up a fight, keeping the win within reach the whole game with a final score of 58-53. 

    Junior McKenna Brodeur finished the game with a high of 12 rebounds and both Brodeur and Molly Folsum scored eight points. Sophomore Paige Brown scored the second most points, coming in with ten points and going 4-5 from the floor. Junior Alex Bessey was the leading scorer for the Beavers with 17 points. 

    Bessey said, “It was a hard fight and when we were down I knew we had to pick up our intensity and we gave it our all.” Bessey is a rookie to the Beavers this year but is not a stranger to the sport of basketball. She transferred from Central Maine Community College (CMCC), played on their basketball team and won a national championship her final year there. “It was hard at first to transition to a new type of play but the team helped me so much in adjusting and making sure I didn’t miss a beat.”

Senior Captain Sara Lamb: Lamb taking the ball into the paint for a shot. (Photo courtesy of Jeff Lamb Photography)

    Beaudoin, a UMF alumni, has led the team to a successful conference season. Beaudoin has been a head coach here for the last twenty years. He went into the Thomas game with a set strategy that had to quickly be adapted when Thomas’s leading scorer was out for the game. He felt like he had made the right choice with the changes. 

    His look on the season has been positive, mainly focusing on effort and the beavers goal to have a home playoff game finishing in second or third place. Beaudoin sees his team this year as a well-rounded group of talent, “From top to bottom the team is more competitive, we as a team have an increased skill set where all players have high basketball IQ, being able to handle the ball, and being able to shoot the ball,” Beaudoin said.

    The Beavers played most recently against State University New York (SUNY) Canton at Canton, NY. 

    Before the game, Beaudoin was concerned about the length of the trip wearing out her team and the new environment throwing them off. “We have five games to go,” Beaudoin said, “Playing in a gym we’ve never played in, and also playing against players we don’t know.” 

    SUNY vs UMF final score for their Friday game was 65 to 42 with the Beavers taking the win. The leading scorers of the game were Tia Day and Paige Brown both coming in with 14 points. Molly Folsom led the team with 8 rebounds. 

    Saturday at noon the Beavers faced off SUNY again for another conference game. The final score was 58 to 54 with the Beavers taking another win. The leading scorer of the game was McKenna Brodeur with 16 points and also lead the team in rebounds with 11. 

    The Beavers are now 9-2 in the NAC conference. Their next game is tonight against Husson University at 5:30pm in Farmington.

Senior Art Majors Present Capstone Projects in Art Show

Senior Art Majors Present Capstone Projects in Art Show

Eric Berry proudly stands with his installation “Caddywhompus Ho-Hum Handsomeness” at Feints opening night. (Photo by Sarah Lamb)

By Sara Lamb Contributing Writer

 Senior Art majors at UMF are showcasing their final capstone projects in a group show titled “Feint” in both the Emery Arts Center and the UMF Art Gallery. Feint is a group project with contributions from six UMF seniors: Eric Berry, Samuel Burnell, Nicholas Cole, Elliott Eno, Cameron Morrell and Olivia Vanner.

   The meaning behind the title came from the word’s definition: to deceive. The artists are deceiving cultural restraints through its various themes. The show explores topics such as labor, cultural norms, media and memory through the artist’s different points of views and experiences.

   Capstone is a final accumulation of all the work and knowledge that one has consumed over their four years at UMF. It is a year-long course that is required to graduate and is found in all majors on campus with slight variations for the different degree programs.

   Eric Berry, a senior, has wanted to pursue a career in art since high school. Berry said in an online interview, “I would consider myself a sculptor but I do love adding color to my work, whether it is painting or using the color of the original material.”

Senior Olivia Vanner Experimented with 2D animation. (Photo by Eryn Finnegan)

   Berry has installed his work in the two locations, and continues to tweak and modify the pieces to improve them. All of Berry’s pieces have been worked on since this past fall. “One of my most reoccurring themes is exploring labor through rural objects. Each piece does have multiple themes underlining that idea,” Berry said.

   Berry encourages everyone who goes to the exhibits to take a booklet created by each artist that goes into more detail about their work.

   Cameron Morrell, another Senior Art major, said in an email interview that his favorite art to work with is installations and digital compositions/collages. “I like to create pieces that have a sensory impact so they engage more th

One of Morrell’s installations, “Rebuild & Continue.” (Photo by Keely McConomy)

an just the eye. Something that puts the body into perspective with either size or with sound or smell or a feeling,” Morrell said.

   Most of Morrell’s pieces in the show involve multiple senses, such as the breeze of a fan or the smell of citrus fruit. In addition to the pieces they had to create, artists needed to write a thesis about their work. For Morrell, this was the most challenging part. “It’s incredibly difficult to try and explain in words what our art is doing and where it’s coming from,” Morrell said.

   President Foster, who attended the event, said, “there is nothing more inspiring than seeing the culmination of a person’s thought process and I am awed by and blown away by the talent and the diligence the creativity and the brilliance of the work that I see from the seniors.”

   President Foster continued, saying that she sees talent illuminate from the seniors every year, but this year’s art capstone seems particularly compelling for her. After speaking to some of the artists about their art, she walked away with a smile on her face.

   The UMF Art Gallery is open for viewings Tuesday through Sunday 12-4 p.m., and t

Morrel’s Digital composition “Windows” in Emery Arts Center. (Photo by Eryn Finnegan)

he Emery Arts Center is open daily from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. The artists will uninstall their work on May 13. If you would like to know more information about each artist’s work, they will be participating in artist talks about their work on Symposium Day.