An Inside Look at Dollar Movie Night

By Kaitlyn York Contributing Writer

UMF’s Student Life Directors and Narrow Gauge Cinemas are working together to host Dollar Movie Nights for UMF students again for the 2018-2019 academic year.

  “I try to go every single month, because like I go to the movies a lot. It’s something fun to do and it’s only $1 so might as well go!” said Tania Bureau, at sophomore at UMF.

   “It’s awesome, basically, I think it’s a really good opportunity,” said Bureau. “Once school kinda gets in gear where everyone’s busy it slows down so it’s not as busy as everyone thinks it is.”

     Dollar Movie Night is typically hosted once a month at Narrow Gauge Cinemas. On a selected night each month, movies that are shown after 9 p.m. are offered to UMF students at the price of $1. Students must have their student I.D. to be eligible for this deal.

  Journey Bubar, an employee in the student life office, is in charge of advertising events. “There is Beaver Buck Movie Night a week from today, Wednesday the 26th,” she said. Beaver Buck Movie Night differs from Dollar Movie Night. Beaver Buck Movie night is put on by ACE while Dollar Movie Night is put on each month by another sponsor. The same rules apply to both and they are both held at Narrow Gauge Cinemas.

  There has been one Dollar Movie Night hosted so far this year during orientation weekend and another is scheduled for September 30th, the Sunday during the family, friends, and alumni fall festival. This is an untraditional Dollar Movie Night as it is a matinee. The movies that are eligible for the price of $1 will be hosted during the afternoon.

 “I think that it is a great way to get students involved in something other than hanging out in their rooms. It’s a good way to make some new friends, and to find new movies that you like,” said Emma Casey, a UMF freshman.

       Bureau said that the dates of Dollar Movie Nights are posted on the big calendar on the bulletin board in the Olsen Student Center. Students can also find the dates listed on the slideshows on the televisions throughout the student center or on the homepage of myCampus on the upper right side. The calendar on myCampus is fully detailed and can be narrowed down to specific dates and times of events.

   Anyone interested in what movies are playing can find the schedule online at They update their schedule weekly of the movies that they are showing and at what time. UMF students do not only get a discount on movie tickets during Dollar Movie Night specials, but during the academic year movie tickets are offered at a discounted price of $3.

UMF Field Hockey

By Anna Manuel Contributing Writer

The women’s field hockey team is coached by Cynthia Pratt, this season is her 15th year. So far the field hockey team’s record is 1-4. “Our season has had both ups and downs. Our strength is our senatorship leadership and experience from some key upperclassman,” said Pratt. “Our weaknesses are lack of depth, our numbers are a little low this season so we are asking a lot of the players to play a lot of minutes, which is tough because we have a tough font-conference schedule.”

   An offensive player, Kasey Talarico is from Lewiston, Maine and plays field hockey here at UMF. Talarico is a sophomore and is majoring in elementary education. She has been playing field hockey since she was in the fourth grade and all through high school. Playing a high school sport is much different at a college level. “Practice in high school is nothing compared to practice in college. Way more intense and physically demanding. Field hockey in high school can be more of a social thing. college is more where you want to win, and is more serious, which I like,” she said. The field hockey team has practice six times a week and then an off day. The team works hard everyday and have great attitudes.

One of Pratt’s favorite thing about being a coach is the relationships she forms with her players. “Watching them grow from their freshman year to their senior year then becoming lifelong friends and following their careers and lives as they move on and become responsible adults.” Here at UMF there are a variety of varsity athletes, some even play two or three sports.

A lot of students feel that balancing school with sports helps them as a student. “Sports is a big time commitment, sometimes I think to myself that I am so stressed out because I have a lot of work to do and don’t have enough time in the day to fit it all in. But then also it helps me have more of a schedule, I know I don’t have a lot of free time, so I know when I need to get any work done” Talarico said. Senior Chelsea Ballard from Fairfield, Maine agrees field hockey has helped her stay organized. Ballard is a senior this year and has been playing field hockey for about twelve years. Ballard is one of many seniors on the team this year. “Playing field hockey at UMF is awesome because I met a bunch of lifelong friends. I met lifelong friends not only through

field hockey, but because I am an athlete here at UMF. It is also really rewarding to be on a team working together in order to compete and win,” said Ballard. The field hockey team still has a long season to improve and win more games.

Dragon’s Nest Revival

By Emilee Eustis Staff Reporter

Students from UMF, along with the Farmington Recreation Department are hoping to bring back what was once a functional skate park for the town through a long-term community project.

   On July 4th, 1991 a brand-new skate park called the “Dragon’s Nest” opened in Farmington. Steve Shible, the Parks and Recreation Director at the time, worked hard in the opening, finalizing and designing of the park to make a safe place for those who were skateboarding on the street to enjoy themselves.

   Since then, the park has been covered and contains one standing hoop and a mini track to run on, taking away opportunities for avid skaters in town.

   “I don’t remember the last time I drove through Farmington without seeing someone on a skateboard or longboard,” said Assistant Director of the Farmington Rec. Department, Jaycee Jenckes. “Having a SAFE and designated spot for people who love skateboarding would be excellent for the town and its residents.”

   Along with efforts from the Rec. Department, students from the UMF campus have shown an interest in the potential rebuild of the park. Cody Denning, a Junior Business Psychology major at UMF said, “Farmington doesn’t have anything that really brings the alternative sports community together anymore.”

   Denning and a few others have chosen the park as their point of interest for a semester long assignment in their Projects in Business/Economics class.

   Denning and his group would like to include students from the University and members of the community to help in the planning of the park, and if it continues, the potential building of the structures. “I know that a lot of students that I have told about the potential project are delighted to help,” said Denning. “I feel this park reopening can help the Farmington community in many ways.”

   The goal of the park reopening is to benefit both skateboarders and residents of the town by creating a place to enjoy the sport, while not interfering with traffic or causing potential harm to themselves. It also aims to introduce the younger generation to the alternative sport.

   “It can act as a kind of experimental place for younger kids to try it out,” said Denning. “The park can also give parents peace of mind knowing their kids are at the skate park and not at an unknown location.”

   Though the planning is still in the early stages, the Rec. Department is experiencing the benefits of collaborating with University students on community issues. “It’s nice to include college students on big projects because they bring lots of energy and enthusiasm for things that they are passionate about,” said Jenckes. “So if reviving the skate park is what they’re passionate about, then I have high hopes for the project.”

   Denning and the UMF students will continue to work with the Rec. Department, as well as the community, in planning potential outcomes for the park as the semester moves forward. They will present results in December to see the progress made and what they need to do for the project to continue.

UMF Men’s Soccer Falls to the Mariners of Maine Maritime Academy

UMF Men’s Soccer Falls to the Mariners of Maine Maritime Academy

By Emilee Eustis Staff Reporter

The crowd was buzzing with excitement under the beaming sun while waiting for the UMF men’s soccer team to take the field last Saturday morning.

UMF men’s soccer team huddled up and planing their next move on the field. (Photo courtesy of UMF Athletics)

    It was the season opener, or first conference game, for the Beavers and they were facing one of their rivals, the Mariners of Maine Maritime Academy (MMA). “We knew it was going to be a fight for 90 minutes and that this game goes a long way towards playoff standings at the end of the season,” said Tristan Price, a senior athlete at UMF. “Everyone was really excited and looking forward to the game.”

   The Beavers spent two practices preparing for the challenge and focused on capitalizing on every chance they had. “We always talk about coming out of the kickoff strong and putting the other team under pressure immediately and we were able to do that,” said Price. After scoring their first goal within minutes of the game, the team was focused on not letting the Mariners offensive push take away their quick lead.

   The Beavers showed a strong defensive effort, keeping the Mariners at one goal until the last seven minutes of the half when Matt Caron of MMA scored on a penalty goal. The momentum swung in the Mariners favor, and with a tied score at halftime, the Beavers were prepared for an intense start of the second half.

    “[At halftime] we talked about getting the ball more wide to create more chances,” said Michael Pingree, another captain and senior athlete at UMF. “We wanted to work smarter off the ball.”

   The second half started out at a fast pace with both teams focused on an offensive push. At the 25-minute mark, the Mariners used that energy to get another goal, again by Caron, putting them ahead 2 to 1.

    “I think their goal in the second half kind of changed everything,” said Price. “We started throwing guys forward trying to score and we abandoned our game plan towards the end.”

   In an effort to get the game back in their hands, the Beavers worked extremely hard to keep the ball on our end of the field. “With about 15 minutes left, we missed a good opportunity on net that helped shift momentum our way,” said Pingree. “From that point on we got some dangerous balls in and created many good opportunities to even the score.”

   With seconds left, they had one last chance to tie the game. “Time was running down and the urgency to score was full throttle,” said Pingree. The ball reached Jake Heimlich, a Junior at UMF, and flew into the back of the net as the time ran out. The team “plead” for a penalty as one of their players was on the ground, but the referee did not agree.

   The final score was 2 to 1 in favor of the Mariners, but the outcome did not discourage the Beavers. “We work extremely hard every day,” said Pingree. “We’re just looking to stay disciplined in our overall game plan, and that will make us really hard to beat.”

Insight into Women’s Rugby with Captain Erin Buckland

Insight into Women’s Rugby with Captain Erin Buckland

By Journey Bubar Contributing Writer

Buckland has been playing on the Women’s Rugby team since freshman year at UMF and is looking forward to another promising season with her teammates.

   Since Women’s Rugby is a club sport, they usually don’t have enough players to fill the 15 field positions, but this year Buckland is happy to see a large number

The women’s Rugby team engages in a scrum. (Photo courtesy of Erin Buckland)

of new recruits. “Sometimes we wouldn’t have any subs, so by the end of the 80-minute game, we’d only have 13 players left on the field,” said Buckland.

   Buckland mentioned that new players aren’t expected to know everything about the game, and that the coaches and fellow players are happy to teach the rookies everything they need to know. “If you put the time and work in, everyone can do it. That’s the thing about rugby, it’s a really easy game to fall in love with,” said Buckland.

  Buckland explained that having rugby be a club sport presents some challenges. “I think that we’re sometimes looked at and treated differently for being a club sport,” Buckland said. “It’s hard to recruit varsity athletes because they want to stick with the level they’re playing at, so they don’t even take a look at rugby which is sad, because they should.”

   Another challenge the team faces is that the UMF Fleet doesn’t always have enough passenger vans to fulfill the demand between clubs and other sports teams, even when filing the van application on time. “I don’t know the official order, but I know that club sports are last,” Buckland said.

   Buckland explained that without consistent access to UMF vans, the team has had to rent passenger vans from a third-party which costs more, or they have to their personal cars certified so they can drive to their games.

  Buckland explained how every position and player is vital to the game, and how people should give rugby a chance even if they aren’t sure about it. “Since it’s a team sport, every single person needs to be doing their job or we’re not going to succeed,” said Buckland.

  Before their Saturday games, the team likes to have a Friday night dinner to prepare and bond. “We always try to have a rugby game playing in the background,” said Buckland. “It helps the rookies know what to expect.”

  Practicing is also really important before big games. They warm up, do some drills, and scrimmage each other just like every other sport. But the team really focuses on building communication. “Everything you do in rugby requires communication,” said Buckland.

  Buckland admitted that she still feels a little bit nervous before a game, even after playing for so long. “The previous captain said something that really stuck with me,” said Buckland. “She was like, ‘You have to go out and you have to want it the most.’ And honestly, if you do want it the most, the nerves just go away.”

“So even if I get my van request in on time, if academics or varsity sports wants the vans, they’ll take the Women’s Rugby vans away for them to have.”